Friday, May 21, 2010

Things Money Can't Buy

Strolling around malls in Delhi can be extremely depressing when you don’t have enough money to satisfy your desires. But still while you are bored…these seem to be the only getaway.

One such day…..amidst the glittering lights, shining floors and explicitly decorated shops I suddenly realized the importance of things which MONEY cannot buy. It was not because of the beauty of these malls that it is thronged my such a large number of people. It is the company and quality time spent with one’s near and dear ones which makes these hangouts so special.
So….after a long (really long!!!) hibernation…..I resume my blogging with a post on ‘Friends’ (obv not the TV series.)

Friends are of many kinds. There are those who are from your primary school. As you go along you keep making friends at each and every stage of your life. You also tend to lose some in the process, perhaps just by the passage of time. Friends in college also can be put under the same category. Then there are friends we talk to only on gtalk. Even better are friends we have never met….these are some of our beloved friends from Orkut and FB.

So what makes a friend just a friend or a good friend…a best friend or ‘just friends’ :P. Is it the shear amount of time spent together??or is it the interests we share with each other. Is there even a set parameter for this!!!
I consider myself to be a good observer of people and my experience with people has been memorable, that being an understatement. I must say that I have been lucky to have my best friends as my childhood friends (let’s call them chaddi yars :D). These are guys I have spent my entire life with considering the fact that we have been friends since class 2. Same school and society is what resulted in me spending time with them almost equal in amount compared to my family members. So this set is one wherein we spend the maximum time together, automatically sharing our views, success, failures blah blah….resulting in a max of all the available sane parameters.

But what about others. You might have spent a lot of time together but then haven’t spoken for years and do not feel a void. I seem to come across numerous people in this category…I have spent good amount of quality time with them but today I am indifferent towards their absence. On the contrary, as I had stated earlier, even after being with someone for a few hours that too on very few occasions might make you feel that person’s presence indispensible. Same can happen with our special gtalk friends. We might not talk to them in person or on phone but feel good talking to them by sharing our thoughts over the messenger.

I come back to the question I posted earlier……what makes/helps us categorise friends???
Well….I believe it is just about feeling good about the person. Being honest and shedding ones inhibition, both ways, is perhaps vital. Faith (which is predominantly based on inferences drawn from unintentional-continuous evaluation) and Fun then seem to be the mantra for friendship. Again…it is just a necessity…not a sufficient condition. Conditions such as interests, presence at the right place at the right time etc etc do create a huge impact in deciding which way the relationship goes.

To conclude…all I would say is friends are an integral and important part of our lives ( atleast mine) …so let’s not lose our good friends and remember Faith and Fun!!!

P.S.: Would have loved to name all my close friends but just did not want to get into trouble in case I forget to mention some ;)


  1. Nice.... :)
    There are no set parameters for measuring friendship, sometimes years are not enough and sometimes a few moments are enough to know what level of friendship is there between you and the other person.....
    And they do form one of the most important parts of our existence!
    (P.S. nice to see you back on your blog.... :) )

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